Thursday, 15 March 2007


A new clutch. Almost £600 with delivery and VAT.

Not what I was wanting for my old Defender. My eyes still sting as does my wallet.


Anonymous said...

What is it with cars?? I cried when i sold my last car, much to the dismay of the garage who tried to offer consolences but frankly it wasnt enough.
I could have punched the mechanic when he said but it's okay, you're getting a new one. It was made of metal but had a heart and personality i went to some beautiful places in it and it never let me down.
I saw it 2 days ago, the man driving it looked nice enough, but i still wanted to rag him out of the car so i could have it back, or at least sit in it for a bit.
£600 quid is a lot but if you love that car the tears are worth it!

Anonymous said...

So tell us why you sold it then.

Anonymous said...

A car is a car is a car.... but a Land Rover - well that's different.

Anonymous said...

Like many beautiful things in life Trekkie, i couldn't afford to keep it, but hey, the best things in life are free!