Wednesday, 16 May 2007


One of life's great mysteries to me is the shopping trolley.

As a child my father always said "a place for everything and everything in its place". He was right. When things are tidied up and put away in an orderly fashion they are not only easier to find but take up less room.

Why then is it that on completing my circuit of Tescos and having packed the groceries, randomly thrown into a trolley, into plastic bags and then place these bags into the cart do they tale up more room? These bags should fit neatly into the trolley making you thing "that's not to bad, really" rather than "what the f*** did I buy to take up that much space"?

My theory is that the supermarket chains have developed some strange marketing device that imperceptibly shrinks the trolley as you pass the checkout. While shopping it's bigger so you think "not bought much, have I" after it's all to late and you've paid it shrinks so the thought is "boy, that's a lot of stuff".

The volume contained in a shopping trolley is therefor inversely proportional to the amount of goods purchased.

Still confuses me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting theory - I wonder if it's the same device that they use to shrink my clothes after I buy them and before I get home?