Tuesday, 6 March 2007


Well it's been a while. I thought I'd leave the previous post up for a while in an effort to direct as many people as possible to the petition thing. Guess my bit is done by now.

Work has been a bit strange. Very dull. Nothing of interest yet again. I was reminded though of a couple of instances where I hate people. You see, one of the things that gets my goat is interfering relatives. Relatives that stand exactly where you need to place the chair or try and wrap the blanket tighter around their husband while your carrying him down the stairs. These type of things just piss me off and I find it hard not to tell them this. I find a couple of deep breaths and a follow up policy of ignoring everything they say helps me out. I always feel sorry for the patients in this situation. Makes me glad that I'm not married.

Get out the way. Let us do our job and no, we wont wait 10 minutes while you change your trousers and do your hair. Idiot!!!

Lots of rest. Too much. Things to do but not doing them. Too distracted by ... play!!

Well, play is fun. Everyone should be playing more. I'm still struggling through Zelda, in fact I've had to look at a walk-through in order to try and escape the mines. Need more arrows and a touch more coordination and patience. Still, I will prevail.

Also I've been a bit naughty and bought myself an old ex MOD landrover that needs some work done on it. I know nothing about cars so this is a bit of a challenge and may take the rest of my life to complete. The aim is to get it into mint condition then trash it on a friends farm driving through mud and over rocks. Unfortunately this all costs money and I spent it all on the thing. My gut feeling is that it will end up a pile of rusting parts but at the moment I'm spending lots of time sanding things and replacing bits. Feel like a real man - good honest manual labour.

Other than that life plods on. There are a couple of changes in my life being planed and I will let you know when things progress. Other than that if you see a couple of Ambos next to a bed or struggling down the stairs -- get out the way. Ta.


Rookie Bebe said...

Amen and this goes for nurses, aids,etc. No offense. But they called us, they should get out of the way.

We had a couple of aids or nurses try to help me and two of my partners move a pt from bed to stretcher or vice versa. The three of us could have gotten it. While we (EMS) were getting a grip on the draw sheet and about to say ready and count to three, a nurse at the feet and one at the head decided to move the pt. We weren't ready and they about dropped the pt between the beds and made things worse.

I usually say to none EMS and family members that we will get it. Whatever "it" is WE will get it now.

Anonymous said...


it too am a big zelda fan. not played for rears but i always enjoyed it. good look with the tank.

& i agree with your sentiments about people getting in the way, so if i may i will add my own warning.

if any of you see are rather dashing & well dressed suave looking bobby with a miserable face, think on. he is god & all he says is right. the odd bow or round of applause wouldnt go a miss. i thank you.