Monday, 11 June 2007


Four day shifts over the weekend and what has it held? Well, a little bit of everything. I can be a bit of a pain in the ass at times to people that know me and have been grumpy over the last few weeks anyway. I wasn't looking forward to this long weekend of being at the mill but this is what I did.

We got a job to a 56 YOM (Year Old Male) with chest pain and unable to use his legs. On arrival he was in the bog, walking just fine and had no chest pain. It turned out he was a frequent flier and insisted on being taken to his appointment at the dermatologist which was in two hours time. I told him to fuck off. Now this is not service policy but really! What do I care about this creature, selfish git.

Drunk at a pub. Well I get drunk at pubs, I ,generally, am able to walk at 1400 hours and have never called anyone a C*** for trying to see if they are ok. Let this pass but when told to F*** off was glad to see him get lifted for breach. Pissed wanker!

26 YOM methadone user who was found lethargic by mum. Had not taken methadone for 3 days but there was none left in the bottle. Hmmm? OK he was stoned out his tits and mum was worried and he needed monitoring in-case he went flat but he was playing on it. "Legs don't work" yeh, right. Grow up.

22 YOM assault. This happened 4 weeks ago. Had a sore knee. This knee was in plaster but he cut this off because it was itching. Didn't want to go to hospital because he was out his head on a cocktail of heroin and booze so there we go. His uncle did ask my partner ( a female) for a wank as he liked the latex gloves. What can I say? Really, what? He deserves to be shot. Tosser.

65 YOF having am MI (heart attack). ECG, pin in the arm, aspirin (this is the most important thing if someone is having an MI. If mum or dad gets bad chest pain drop in a 300mg aspirin ASAP). Not thrombolisable so batter into A&E.

A number off lovely old folk with ongoing heart problems who didn't want to be a bother but should of been earlier. Call us! We are there for you, not your pissed grandson.

The grumpiest man in the world. A guy who drank 10 litres of cider a day for 20 years suddenly decided to give up without GP advice. He also decided to come off the Valium at the same time. We arrived after a 20 minute trip just as he stopped seizing. Did not look like a seizure patient (ambos will know what I mean) more TIA or even cardiac. Basically he looked very ill. Anyway, after everything we could do in five minutes (which was just about everything - when in a hurry it don't take long) he was telling us to get to "F" which was, according to his wife, his good old normal self. Signed the form and told us that we were wasting our time as he was "fucking OK." Hopefully his wife will get him to his GP if he's not in hospital by now. The seizure lasted about 10 - 15 minutes, a very, very, very long time. Still we can't kidnap people so I hope he knows best.

34 YOF taken an overdose. Eyes role and looks of disbelief pass between the ambulance crew. This may sound unsympathetic but the reality is that very few OD's actually ever take the pills they say. Anyway, I felt for this woman after a wee chat. I think it was post natal stuff but she had also lost her dad and grand-dad within the last 5 months. Not a good spot. In reality she was a bit of a pain in the ass but I hope it all works out and that shes OK.

The first job today was to a miscarriage. Normally these are to threatened or inevitable miscarriages. This is where it may prove to be or is going to be a miscarriage. Today it was to a miscarriage. 21 YOF who was being treated for a urine infection. Went to the toilet at 0730 and lost her child. From my perspective I hate these jobs. I don't know what to say, or even if there is anything you can say. I hate having to pick a 19 week old foetus out a toilet and try not to vomit and cry at the same time. I hate the angst, stress, confusion and melancholy that this brings on me. Most of all I hate the fact that I cant do anything to make things better, I cant help. I cant do anything but feel sad and know that what I feel is nothing compared to the loss of the mother. I took five minutes in private to shed a tear, I guess she will be crying for much longer. I only wish that I could let her know that my silence was because I do care. I can't begin to comprehend the loss.

The next job was to a 19 YOM with a 2 week history of having a sore shoulder. I wanted to break his fucking arm!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Different jobs but same old sh*te. I read this post & felt like I could have been stood next to you all that shift.

Once had a job where p*sshead husband gets numb wife to phone for ambulance as hubby (who is in bed with broken leg in cast & mullered) has missed his hospital appointment, by a week.

Ambulance call us prior to attending, cant recall why. Perhaps there was a history or some such. We got there first. Weighed up situation. Told him to wind his neck in & get to hospital himself when sober. Went outside & told ambulance crew not to bother.

Wifey trots out & states “but I luv im”

To which my mate replied, “whats love got to do with, got to do with it”!!!

It was who can use the best lines from songs in conversation week. Elvis week is great.

Anyway you do a fantastic job brother. Keep the increasingly difficult to keep hold of faith. The world would be a worse place without you