Sunday 10 December 2006


I think I probably started smoking because I thought it was cool. And who wouldn't with Audrey babes doing her nicotine thing. Stupidest thing I ever did though. Don't even like it.

I recently stopped for nine weeks. Fantastic!! Then I got a bit drunk two weeks ago. Back to 20 a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once more onto the beach
fill the sand lots with fag ends.
try try again,
think how fresh ye will feel
when thee fail to wheeze
and get up three flights without
Been there, loved Gouloise bleus, Turkic home mades, etc., now been free of the wheezees for a score plus years, can enjoy climbing four floors of stairs with the weeks groceries.
So Try try again as old Bruce's [King of the northern portion of the Isles] spider did say, never give up just try again.