Tuesday, 9 January 2007


Yip, I’ve seen someone.

Angrier than usual with the underclass yesterday. Was hurtling through Northtown on lights and sirens to a suspected MI when we got flagged down by a bloke about 20. This was at 1730 hours.

Radiod conrol who allocated a job number and would of had to find another crew for the 64 year old having a heart attack. “my mates collapsed” sais young man 1.

“What happened?” says I.

“He’s pretty pissed, we’ve been drinking since 11am” says young man 1.

Red mist crept into my field of vision, a target forming between the too close together eyes.

Combined with last nights whisky my thoughts were extreme. Please accept my apologies.

1 comment:

Prof Scrub said...

Dear Mist seeing ambulance man,

I suggest hurling the drunken man into the back of the van and proceeding to drive to the MI patient.

Once the patient with MI has been succesfully thrombolysed, return to the back of the van and give the drunken the special treatment that often gets delivered in the back of vans.

Your dodgy van driver,
Prof Scrub