Tuesday, 16 January 2007


Today I was desperate to get something interesting to deal with. Tuesday dayshift always seems to be a struggle, it’s quite a quick turn around from the weekend nights and the old body clock seems to always kick me in the nuts on the Tuesday.

Nothing. Nothing at all of any interest. To make things worse everyone needed an ambulance and was very nice to deal with. Couldn’t even get angry at the system or hate a patient, even for a wee while.

Hopefully tomorrow someone will piss me of and I can enjoy the day. Bit board today.


Big Pleb said...


thanks for checking out my blog. I have added your link. Yes I agree it was a quiet day until I found out that whilst I was out of the nick the control room had sent jobs to my inbox without telling me. So instead of dealing with an elderly lady who had her purse snatched, I was dealing with kids just being kids and annoying some of the residents by playing footie in the street which did come via the radio!!! Did call her at the end of the shift when I found out and will see her first thing in the morning.
Hope you have a better shift tomorrow come into the city Im sure i can find some drunk passed out on the deck having lost control of their bowels via Tennents Super or Bavaria to p*ss you off.

Anonymous said...

"Hopefully tomorrow someone will piss me of and I can enjoy the day. Bit board today."

Had to re-read that to make sure it didn't say "piss on me", then I might have started thinking awful things about you... And also, you seriously telling me that a carneverious gentleman like yourself was made sick by a one eyed cow!? Made me laugh and I'm a damn herbivore!

Iain MacBain - or maybe not!!?? said...

Carmelo, management seem to piss on me/us most of the time so I'm quite use to the smell of amonia.

And, yes the cow thing made me feel a bit squeamish. There is something about mutations, except my own of course, that makes me squirm. Just icky. Blargh.