Thursday, 11 January 2007


Just a thought.

Wouldn’t it be cool if school kids got to read some of the Blogs from people in the Emergency Services. We all know that politicians should, and some do but pay no attention. School kids would get the knowledge of what we do and hopefully learn not to call when little toe is stubbed.

Something needs to be done about the level of unnecessary calls; and I hate to suggest that teachers need something else to worry about but a little project or something would do it. I’m sure that there must be something in schools; I don’t have kids, relating to the evils of alcohol, knife carrying, drugs etc. It could be fitted in with this.


TotallyUn-Pc said...

went to a call some time ago, two teenage sisters alledging assault against each other, yes, they called the police to sort it out. So inj the best traditions of pissing them off, one got nicked, to teach them a lesson. the other one was told to get herself to the doctors to check the "scratch" on her face, after we left she called an ambulance. AND THEY TOOK HER!

these people wouldn't learn a lesson if it jumped up and slapped em... and this proves it!

Anonymous said...

Having recently come out of education, the fire service were the only ones who tried any sort of education. The ambulance service did nout, absolutely zilch. The coppers were there too, but not in an educational sense lol

Iain MacBain - or maybe not!!?? said...

I guess I know your right. Just dreaming but it made me feel good for a couple of hours.


Anonymous said...

totallyun-pc, I believe ambulance crews aren't allowed to refuse to take someone to hospital however rubbish the ailment is. We are allowed to refuse to send, however, due to stupid AMPDS a scratch on the face would count as a head injury which is not something that can be refused. Ridiculous, I know!

Iain MacBain - or maybe not!!?? said...

Quite right. The Government in their wisdom have given a "right to transport by Ambulance" to anyone who requests it.

Total bloody madness but it probably made good headlines and got them a vote. Lost mine though, infact I tend to vote for anyone other than Tory Blagh so i supose they lost nothing.